The WHO defines health as complete well-being in the biological, physical, psychological and social spheres, not exclusively as the absence of disease. Health is based on achieving and maintaining stability, happiness, and comfort in your daily life. That you do not have diseases is an essential factor to be healthy.

The thing is that your health may not be so good even without suffering from an illness. If your diet is poor, you consume energy drinks that prevent you from sleeping or other substances that are toxic to the body, such as alcohol or cigarettes, you will most likely not develop any disease in the short term, but we are sorry to tell you that the damage to your body is present even if you do not see it. Health must be cared for like a work of art or an object of great value because that care is noticeable in the long run. This will allow you to have a more proactive old age; without the appearance of diseases, your life expectancy will increase, and, of course, you will live happier, with less discomfort, and you will even save much more on medical expenses than the general population. But health is much more than just how we feel physically; it can be divided into the following components:

Physical Health

Physical health corresponds to the well-being of all devices and systems, from the musculoskeletal to the gastrointestinal, cardiac, and pulmonary. Taking care of physical health is possible through activities, postures and good nutrition. Your neglect due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet can lead to worsening stomach ulcers, suffering from reflux, and sudden weight gain that leads to fatty plaques in the arteries, leading to an increase in blood pressure and a greater risk of developing disease. Coronary.

Mental Health

Mental health refers to a more subjective aspect: the humanpsyche, where we find how we think and feel about ourselves (mood) and others (social aspect). It is usually more complex than physical health and is affected from the earliest stages of childhood. Their normal development can be modified by relationships with mom and dad in the early years, the presence of specific traumatic events, and, believe it or not, even what we eat. Insufficient diet alsoplays a role in normal brain development.

Factors That Influence Mental Health

Several factors influence a person’s mental health:

  • Biological and genetic characteristics, for example, heredity;
  • Other personal characteristics, for example, lifestyle habits and behaviours, level of self-esteem or childhood experiences;
  • The social environment, such as relationships with family, friends and the community;
  • The living environment, for example, the place of residence or accommodation, the family environment;
  • The working environment, for example, working conditions, psychosocial factors (possibility of making decisions related to one’s tasks, links with colleagues, recognition of expertise and skills, etc.), safety of the premises;

The economic context includes the cost of consumer goods to meet primary needs, the unemployment rate and the distribution of wealth in society.

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